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ICF and Hody Sports partnership good news for canoeing
The International Canoe Federation is thrilled to announce a two-year partnership deal with leading international boat builder, Hody Sports.
The relationship will be a major boost for canoeing, with a special focus on providing boats for the ICF’s development program in corners of the globe where the sport is still in its infancy.
Hody Sport has been making racing kayaks since 1986, and has been used by Olympic and world championship gold medalists. The company began in Hungary, but is now famous throughout the world.
Hody Sport developed the Orca boat, which burst onto the world stage at the 2000 Sydney Olympics when it helped propel Norwegian Knut Holmann to both the K1 1000 and K1 500 gold medals.
ICF marketing manager, Catherine Wieser, said the partnership will have enormous benefits for canoeing.
“Hody Sport has long been recognised as a pioneer in canoe and kayak development, so it is fantastic that we can team up to help grow the sport worldwide,” Ms Wieser said.
“Hody shares our vision for making our sport truly global, so we are looking forward to taking Hody canoes and kayaks to parts of the world where resources and facilities are limited.
“Hody is about so much more than making fast, attractive racing kayaks. They have also developed the MK-4 Dolphin mini kayak, which is perfect for encouraging and teaching children.”
Under the deal Hody will each year donate four boats to the ICF development program and will work with the ICF and national federations to deliver the canoes.
Beatrix Varga-Hody said her company was looking forward to working with the ICF.
“Of course our boats have been part of ICF events for many years, and for us it was a logical step to become an official partner of the world governing body for our sport,” Ms Varga-Hody said.
“Hody Sport is a successful world-wide brand, and with our partnership with the ICF, we will be able to help grow the sport in regions where it is still developing. Our knowledge built over many decades of experience, coupled with the ICF’s standing in the community, will be a win-win for canoeing.
“And we are looking forward to seeing more athletes using Hody racing kayaks, especially in the lead-up to next year’s Tokyo Olympics.”
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Írj nekünk, vagy hívj minket. Kapcsolattartóink:
Varga-Hódy Beatrix
+36 70 340 4402
Hódy Ágnes
+36 70 603 5615
Friss hírekért és még több Hody sztoriért látogass el közösségi oldalainkra, hogy semmiről ne maradj le 😉
H-1151 Budapest
Harsányi Kálmán u. 83.